Well for financial reason I have had to venture back into the workforce, not exactly excited about it but I will do whatever I have to do support my family.
I am still breastfeeding and so far it has been not too bad cause I am working midnights. She takes a while to get to sleep at night but hubby has been averaging 9:30-10:30 which is pretty good considering she usually goes to sleep on the breast.
We have gotten her teeth situation on the go as well and she goes into get the work done on March 25th. We are a little more relaxed knowing that the dental office we are going to has the Chief of Anesthesiology as the person who will look after that.
It has also been a busy month as my hubby has had a loss in his life. This past Friday he had stopped over to see his mother as he often did and found her deceased. It has been difficult for him but I can only hope that the reconciliation with his family will help him get through this. I suspect that he will have a rough week coming as he finalizes clearing out her apartment.
Anyways have to get ready for work but I thought I would write a quick update for everyone. :)