Friday, September 12, 2014

Facebook Etiquette in my Eyes

So sometimes I see stuff on Facebook or twitter that drives me bonkers so I thought I would compose a list of what I think should be done certain situations, here we go...


It's your birthday and all your friends are wishing you a "Happy Birthday" you want to write thank you to all of them or you don't either way a simple "like"is a nice way of telling that person you saw their post and you appreciate them thinking about you. Why is that so hard? Especially with all the smart phones the notifications will let us know you read it instead of hoping we see your general "thank you"status post which as we all know Facebook gods may deem not important for us to see.


When I have written in the past about a death in the family of a member or of a friend your comments mean so much to me...keep them coming and if I only "like" what you written know that it means the world to me. If you are really curious for details, private message me and I will get back to you when I am ready.

Bad Day:

So your having a bad day, or you are sick, whatever...If I or anyone else takes the time to wish you well or give you words of encouragement for the love of GOD just "like" it!! When I see people who consistently complain about being sick or miserable it irritates me to no end, I don't want to come on Facebook and see misery but I understand there are times when you need to turn to your friends and get a little support. Just don't make it the only thing you do.

Completely Unintelligible Statuses:

Sure sometimes our technology thinks they know what we are trying to say and they want to help us out by spelling things for us, but they make things completely wrong...Before you post please proof read what you have written!! There is nothing worse then seeing someone who apparently graduated from high school have atrocious spelling, puts doubts in my mind as to the education system as should I home school my daughter. All it takes is an extra minute people!


Now I love that you have been a part of my life since the day I was born, since I was a kid or since whenever. There are things you know about me, nicknames, funny yet embarrassing stories etc. Please do not just go ahead and write them all over my pictures or wall. Some of us are trying to keep our Facebook professional to an extent. Also tagging me in your dirty jokes or about getting wasted are not cool especially if they are particularly offensive to other cultures, you may find that funny but I don't.

Now for Twitter:

If we are exchanging tweets and you've seen it please Favourite it, that way I don't feel like I am left hanging...I'll do it for you. If you really like what I've written please Re-Tweet it is greatly appreciated!

Follow me on Twitter!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Summer's Over :(

What a sad thought, although Summer is not technically over for a couple of more weeks the whole Back to School sure makes us realize the end is near.

So all my ideas of all we would do this summer with the new car has yet to happen...Although we do have plans for the fall, just watching for a super good deal on a hotel...Skyline Inn is where we want to stay but we missed out on a super deal so Hubby wants to wait and see if we can get something that good. I keep watching day after day, hoping it will drop soon.

We did manage to do a few things, we had our Cousin BBQ with my cousins on my mom's side and it was awesome as always, we all get along really well and I can't wait until next year. I manage to get out and visit a few friends but still have plenty more to see.

I also found out that I need to have surgery on my arm... Not sure if I mentioned pinching a nerve in my elbow but I did it a while back, like in March, and it has never corrected itself or gotten any better. I knew that I only had two options so I was hoping it would just work itself out which is the only other option besides the surgery that I can find in my research. Well I went and saw a specialist and it appears I have nerve damage now and am showing signs of muscle weakness in my hand, so because it is not improving it is my only option now. I haven't got a date yet and I am a little anxious to get it over with, but also a little concerned cause I am not sure how well I am going to do with a very busy toddler and a gimped up arm.

In other big news...I went out to my dad's and it was alright...we been out a few times now and it has been good, get the odd comment and the dogs have kept mostly at bay. One dog at a time has worked and zero contact with the Rottweiler that bit Hubby and all has been good. She loves my dad and excited to go see him and I love the bond they are forming but...He is really pushing for her to be closer to my step-mom and for her to spend some one on one time with her. I wish I could just say "ya sure" but I am not comfortable with that yet...  for many reasons.

I have always been known as the forgiving one and the one who lets things go, but now I find somethings from the past are resurfacing and I am just unable to let them go. Growing wasn't easy, we didn't have much money and circumstances weren't easy when we left living with our mom abruptly and started living with my dad, his girlfriend and not even a year old half brother. I know sometimes I wasn't easy to live with either but I don't think I deserve the treatment I received.  My step-mom and I fought, a lot, I always felt like I ruined her whole plan of happiness and that she never wanted us (me and my older brother) around. From the sneaking treats to my little brother and nothing to us, to the comments that my mother should have aborted me, how could I not? I left home when I was 17 and lived with my friend until college where I went back to live with my mom and forge an awesome relationship.

Now the problem is as a mother I could never imagine treating someone who came to me with obvious issues the way she treated me. Hubby has two kids from a previous relationship and I could never imagine treating them like they are in the way or a burden.

How do I get over this? Can I?